You can help others find a relationship with Jesus
There is a very simple thing that you can do with your prayer partner to help you both share the experience that you have as a Christian. You can choose to pray for someone and then offer them an invite to join you.
The method works like this. You and your partner decide who you will not only pray for but who you will actively befriend over the next, well, you choose a period. Then you write those names down on the card you can download here.
Each morning, or whenever you pray, the idea will be that you not only pray for your needs with your partner, you won't only praise God in prayer with your partner, you will also pray for your interests. Of course you will also pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you each day.
We are also suggesting that you ask the person you are praying for if you can pray for them. This does work, we have found that cross-culturally, people respond to this positively.
In order to create a relationship with people you actually have to get out and do some relationship activity. There are a number of things you can do to help deepen a relationship with a person. Some of those ideas are suggested here
1. Call the people you are praying for - tell them you appreciate a particular skill they have
2. Send them a postcard. God may have given you something to tell them.
3. Call them, pray with them.
4. Invite the person to your house for a meal.
5. Invite them to lunch with you.
6. Give them a magazine you are interested in. I give train magazines to people who are interested in trains and astronomy magazines to those who are interested in the stars. These are magazines I buy.
7. Send a birthday card.
Try the above, any of the above, but above all, pray.
8. Take them something you have baked. Try not to burn it!
9. Invite them to go somewhere with you. It doesn't have to be a place of religious interest.
10. Offer help if they have a need.